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Getting to know your body through Ayurveda

Updated: Jan 11, 2020

It really seems that the festive season comes and goes too fast, some of us love the season and some of us don’t.

How are you feeling after the festive rush?

How are you feeling getting back to your “Normal routine”?

Are you feeling the pressure when at your work desk or shopping for your kid’s school clothes etc., are you experiencing anxiety and sleepless nights by overindulgence of your senses, skin irritation or pain in your body, maybe your routine was off and so was your schedule during the festive season?

Or are you feeling filled with love, energy and gratitude? Well, Ayurveda can help you stay or get back on track as it addresses all these aspects. Ayurveda is the mother of all medicine and the sister of yoga. This ancient science can allow you to stay connected to your body, mind and your spirit.

Pita (Summer) season (fire/ water)

The festive season, during Pita (Summer), especially for Durban, South Africa, brings a lot of heat and humidity not just into our body but also into our mind. Our 5 senses are over stimulated by, holiday music, sugary and rich foods, alcoholic beverages, conversations and increased shopping activities which results in not enough time to nourish ourselves.

I recently did a 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Durban, South Africa with the most amazing teachers whom I now regard as friends, Diego Baldi and Maria Victoria. Through the course I was fortunate enough to learn a little about Ayurveda. This course has increased my hunger for more knowledge on Ayurveda and Yoga.

I would like to take this opportunity to share some of my knowledge with you.

There are three doshas. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. One being the primary dosha and the other being the secondary dosha. A person experiences issues with his/her body if the doshas are out of balance.

To find out your body type, take the following dosha quiz. Select the characteristic for each question that best describes you at this time. Add up the score. Your primary dosha is where you accumulate your highest score. Your secondary dosha will be the second highest score. This will give you an idea of what dosha is off balance or in balance.

Please consult with a professional ayurvedic doctor for a detailed analysis of your doshas and remedies and steps on balancing your doshas.

Please stay tuned for my next blog post on foods you should eat according to your dosha.

Sending you loads of love and positive vibrations.

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